Your Excellency,
All praise to Pug Life Ministries, which together with you, its distinguished leader, has helped to save the lives of hundreds of millions of children and millions of mothers, which has relieved the suffering and saved the lives of many more millions of human beings. Know that the people of Cuba support you in your fight for independence from the running-dog capitalists of the U.S.A. (that is just an expression; no disrespect intended). I look forward to congratulating you on your second anniversary.
- Fidel Castro
Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to Ayatollah Mugsy, on the occasion of his blog's first anniversary. Expressing the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries would continue to consolidate, the message heartily wished him good health and happiness as well as great success in his responsible work for development of Pugistan. Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a congratulatory message to Brody the Bulldog on his development of the world's preeminent military power.
- Reprinted with permission from the Korean Central News Agency of DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
Congratulations, Mugsy! I knew you could do it. I miss you. Call me! xoxoxo
- Mariah Carey
Your Holiness,
I have read with great interest your teachings over the last year, and I hope you will be around for many more. And although I cannot say so publicly, I wish you luck in your Pugistan independence movement. The British people stand behind you.
- Tony Blair
Congrats! It's been a great year, my friend. I've led a charmed life, but it wasn't complete until I found your teachings. (Although I still want to see what goes on inside your harem!) Hope to see you at the grotto on July Fourth. Hef loves ya, baby!
- Hugh Hefner
Honored Imam,
The people of Sudan stand ready to assist you as you embark on your second year. May Allah watch over you as you impose Sharia law on the people and canines of Pugistan.
- Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir, president of Sudan
Assalamu alaikum, beloved Ayatollah Mugsy. The Kingdom has sent a planeload of rawhide to honor you on this special occasion. Enjoy it, for you have earned this treat.
- Sultan bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
Hola, amigo,
The Mexican people send their regards and their utmost respect. We are willing to forget the incident with El Terror Minisculo, and we hope the friendship between us will flourish.
- Vicente Fox, president of Mexico
Mr. Ayatollah,
Your stance on civil rights for canines has served as an inspiration. All across this nation, canines, subject to segregation, unable to cool off by perspiration, only panting. No vote, forced to wear tags across their throat. Barred from eateries, accused of having fleas, it just ain't right. No, it ain't right. But you, Mr. Ayatollah, give us hope. Hope for a bold solution. Hope for a revolution. Hope for a change, my friend. Happy anniversary.
- The Rev. Jesse Jackson
Your teachings provide the high point of my every day. I hope you are able to attend my party in your honor.
- Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei
Happy anniversary! Your travel blog has served as an inspiration to me in my role as host of the best travel show on TV, the Travel Channel's Passport to Europe. Why does that boring Rick Steves guy get all the attention? What a snoozefest. Can you put a curse on him or something?
- Samantha Brown
Way to go, Ayatollah Mugsy. You've really taught that canine Islam in a great way. The team really looks up to you. Thanks for the pep talk during spring ball. Boomer Sooner!
- Bob Stoops
Mr. Mugsy,
I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I wanted to congratulate you on this great milestone. If you need any political advice, any at all, do not hesitate to contact me. W is a lame duck now, and I'm looking to hook up with a winner.
- Karl Rove
Congratulations on your first anniversary! Say, I've heard rumblings that you may be starting your own book club. Is this true? I don't know if I could withstand the competition, but I wish you the best nonetheless. The invitation to appear on my show stands.
- Oprah Winfrey
Congrats, Mugsy!
I so should have picked you over K-Fed. Can I please, please, please move into your harem? I can totally leave my kid at home. :-)
May you have many more years, great ayatollah.
- Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi, leader of Libya
Mugsy, you are one bad mother[expletive deleted].
- Richard Roundtree, actor
I am amazed! Have a great one!
Thanks, Leslee. You, too!
Please accept my congratulations one your anniversary - you have taught me SO much!
Thank you, TransplantedOkie. It is good to hear from you; I thought perhaps you had left the congregation.
Wow! Impressive!
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