Nailing down some answers
I am pleased to announce that my good friend and business partner, er, fellow religious leader Pope Pius Pug (he's the one on the left) will be in town Saturday for a very important forum. The pontiff will join me and a handful of local religious scholars in "Nail Trimming: Is it God's Way?" The interfaith forum will tackle a ritual that is of pressing concern for many canines, and the conversation is certain to be most enlightening. The event at the Granada Theater is already sold out, but if I receive enough money in the PayPal virtual offering plate this week, I will make the forum available as an iTunes Pugcast.
He's much bigger in real life then I expected...
It appears that way, Leslee, but actually that archbishop is just very short.
I'm sure my Cocker Spaniel would love to weigh in on the nail trimming issue. According to her, it is a torture tactic that should be reserved for only the most heinous criminals.
Yes, JMG, I have ordered an inquiry into this practice at the urging of my fellow canines. Though I don't have any problem with nail-trimmings, I have heard some compare them to Abu Ghraib.
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