Here it is: Phase One of the Dogloo compound. In the foreground is the awe-inspiring 260,000-square-foot Dogloo Mosque. The other engineering masterpiece is the Dogloo Cathedral. More Dogloos will eventually be added. Why did we choose the Dogloo shape? Because it is, quite simply, the pinnacle of canine architecture -- a fusion of ancient Inuit ingenuity and modern plastics. And we won't stop at exterior beauty. Inside, the Dogloo Mosque will make the Sistine Chapel look like a "Trading Spaces" reject. These marvels of pug culture will be a source of veneration for millennia to come.
Thank you for your comment on my blog it helps pass the time having something to do, and reading posts always uplift my spirit.
I don't know who your architech is but may I suggest this guy: http://www.dogisagod.it/
He has already built an impressive Shinto temple dog house.
Thank you for the suggestion. We already have an architect lined up, but I may pick up one of those Good Life houses for myself.
G`day there luv_v,ur concep`tion
of the Doggy Home is Brilliant. U R
the master of ur own time my dear 1.8*8
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