Too many times have I narrowly escaped disaster, swerving or stopping just in time. Too many times have I shaken my furry paw-fist in indignation. The infidels who have stoked my road-rage have left me no choice but to issue a fatwa! When going through an intersection with dual turn lanes, the car in the inside lane must remain in its inside lane. This is not only the law, it is required by canine Islam! Do not anger Allah with your wide-turning encroachment; drive righteously. The next infidel whose wide turning puts him on a collision course with the ayatollahmobile will be stripped of his driving privileges and his pants and left at the roadside.
May I request another fatwa be issued? When turning left on to a two-lane road, you do NOT have the right of way just because you are staying in the inside lane! Fools!
Can you issue one against the people who drive in my freeway exit lane until the last possible moment and then pull over into traffic during rush hour as well?
I concur!
May I request another fatwa be issued? When turning left on to a two-lane road, you do NOT have the right of way just because you are staying in the inside lane! Fools!
I wholeheartedly agree with your fatwa!
I could give you an entire list of Colorado drivers' stoopid problems, all of which are fatwa-worthy.
...and his pants? While I agree with your theory, why do you need his pants? By Allah, you can be a cruel master!
Can you issue one against the people who drive in my freeway exit lane until the last possible moment and then pull over into traffic during rush hour as well?
it is because you live in TEXAS
The world can never have too many of Mugsy's fatwas, they do a great deal of justice for our world, keep em' coming Mugsy!!!
Love this blog!
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