Saturday, December 06, 2008

Mugsy seeks to avoid absurd rumors

I finally got around to seeing the summer blockbuster "The Dark Knight," catching the film at the local dollar theater. This seemed like a prudent way to conserve ministry funds. I had considered posting a review of the film, but I feared it might revive those silly rumors about me having a crime-fighting alter ego. But I did notice that in an odd coincidence, the brave Batpug has recently seen the movie as well, so maybe he'll have something to say about it.


Lucy said...

I know you are not Bat Pug Mugsy, but don't you think the world would be better off with a pugnacious super hero and his speedo clad sidekick?

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

I think the world is better off with Batpug around, Lucy. Whoever that brave hero is ...