Phelps spanks the competition, and Bush ... um ...
Hi, everybody. Wendell here with your Olympics update. Michael Phelpsis the big story so far, winning a record 11th gold medal. And he's not done yet. Can he finish the sweep and grab eight gold medals in these Summer Games? Only time will tell -- but I hear there's some tough competition ahead. The small Pugistani delegation has yet to have its first competitor, but when we do, watch out. Oh, and Mugsy told me to fill you in on all the big news out of Beijing, but .. I don't know what President Bush was up to. You'll have to write your own caption for this one.
I can't type. I'm too busy laughing so hard I reverse sneezed about 50 times.
Am I the only one who sees visions of ex-President Bush in a recurring role as celebrity housemate on "The Girls Next Door"?
*laughing* I'm there with Puddleglum. That's an awesome picture!
"So THAT's what biofuel is, eh? Great idea!"
"Dig"ging for offshore oil?
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