Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finely aged rawhide

Today, Wendell and I enjoyed a rare treat. Father went to the rawhide chest and pulled out two pre-chewed bones, probably of the mid-2005 vintage. Like a fine wine, they improve with age. Each chew of the rich, hearty hide conjures up warm memories of a simpler time, a time when I did not have a puppy constantly nipping at my tail. But unlike wine, they are halaal.


TransplantedOkie said...

Wine is forbidden?

Oh dang...

Anonymous said...

Oh the pleasures of a good chew..... I hope this kept Wendell's mind off his escape plan. He doesn't know how good he has it at the compound. Oh, the foolishness of youth.

Jan said...

Burying rawhide in the ground for a few years is a great way to soften them up and add an earth odor to them.

Misty the Alpha Poodle

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

I'm sure the ministry will benefit greatly from your tip, Misty. Allah be with you.