February 21, 2007
Pug Life Patriots Embracing New Vehicle Ribbons

The ribbons help motorists remember the troops who are serving in the ongoing war against chew-toy aggression.
Made from 100 percent natural pug fur from Supreme Ayatollah Mugsy, the ministry's leader and spiritual beacon, the ribbons are available in a limited edition first printing of 500.
Some consumers have expressed dismay, unable to find the fast-selling symbols of canine nationalism.
So ministry officials, always attuned to the needs of the marketplace, say they are prepared to tap into the Ayatollah Compound's baseboards to attain enough fur for a second printing of 1,000 additional ribbons.
Those look...amazing.
I'll have to decorate ARF Force One with those the ribbons.
If you run out of hair, I'll send you some Jack Russell hair. No one will notice the difference.
Will you be doing some in a magnetic version so I can adorn my mother's jeep appropriately?ig
how do I get one for my party? Aine
Wise one--must have. Can these be made at home with any fur or does only the fur of the Great Pug work to show support?
I have another comment. Mugsy, when will we see pictures of your parental guardians? Or with you without your beard? AIne
Thank you, Leslee.
We may have to restock the fur after each flight, Brody. Wind is not our friend.
As long as demand does not exceed 2,000 ribbons a week, I think I can keep up, JMG. It is a wonder I'm not bald. But I will keep the Jack Russells in mind should this product really take off.
Yes, Eagle. They will all have magnets. Except for the lapel pins, of course.
I hear they are hard to find at the moment, Aine. But perhaps if you keep looking ... I have occasionally shown photos of myself without my beard (or at least with a much shorter beard -- I would look odd fully shaven). I keep my humans hidden away.
The officialy licensed ribbons are only made with ayatollah fur, Pippin. But you are welcome to make your own as long as you do not attempt to sell them under the Pug Life Ministries brand.
Woh those ribbons look so cool..
~ fufu
Mugsy, apparently reading isn't one of my strong points, and when I saw the picture, I thought they were going to be lapel pins only. I asked my mother to read the post to me and of course now I understand the original message was about putting them on vehicles. I'm a little embarassed and have learned to ask for help when reading important missives from yourself and other representatives of the ministry.
Oh wise one!! AT LAST - another good purpose for pug fur! 2,000 a week, huh?
Mama saves what she brushes off Gumdrop (little Gummy is a 10,000 a week pug) and leaves it in the yard for the birds. The birds LOVE it for their nests - the neighbors think Mama is the crazy old dog lady, if you know what I mean?
Rona (from Australia) at PugVillage enclosed a hefty hunk of pug fur with her Christmas cards year before last. Mama wasn't expecting such generosity and let Puck and LouLou's fur fall on the floor where a fur-sniffin' like nothing you've ever seen ensued.
J. B.
Where do I get some?
p.s anything to support the doggie cause
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