Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A peaceful, easy feeling

It was a nice, relaxing day at the ayatollah compound. I chewed a little rawhide, wrestled my friend Mallard, and did some research for a scholarly article I'm writing on whether Greenies are halaal. But mostly, I just slept, savoring the silence. There is nothing like curling up on my favorite blanket and catching some snore-filled Z's. Why was I able to enjoy such sublime household tranquility, you ask? Because my parents found tickets to the Tool concert at SMU.


Dave said...

Oh Ayatollah! What a beautiful tribute to Mallard. I too have someone close to me like that. Percy the pug has been with me since my peeps rescued me from the mean streets of Winnipeg. I must admit that recently someone else has entered my life---- Disgusta Ball. My peeps hate him but he brings me joy in all his disgusting beauty.

Have a great day and may your treats always be fresh.



Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Thanks, Pyrite. Mallard is one of my dearest and longest-lasting friends. Bad things seem to happen to most of my good friends -- missing limbs, gaping cotton wounds and the like. But Mallard has been incredibly resilient.

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Oh, and do not listen to what your parents say about Disgusta Ball. They don't know him like you do.

Sandy said...

Mugsy, our mama recognizes the title of your post here...one of her favorite songs and pasttimes...riding around listening to the Eagle's music back "in the day." Does that mean our mama is old?

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Probably, Ragus Pug. My father has spent plenty of time listening to the Eagles, and he sure is old. But that's OK -- as long as the old folks keep the rawhide coming.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a chance to unwind, Great One. I hope your folks enjoyed the concert.