Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Endorsement for sale

I was recently watching Hardball, as we pugs sometimes do, when an epiphany struck. I had an idea to raise the profile of Pug Life Ministries -- as well as myself, its humble leader -- to new heights. In this day and age, there is no surer path to the media spotlight for a radical cleric than to be associated with a presidential candidate. How many of you had even heard of the Revs. Jeremiah Wright or John Hagee before this campaign season? So just imagine the notoriety that could be attained by one who already leads the world's largest interfaith, interspecies ministry. I had visions of a mega-Dogloo mosque, a book deal, a swimming pool filled with Milkbones. So I made some phone calls. First one candidate, and then another. Then another, still. And all gave me the same answer: Thanks, but no thanks.

It seems that none of the contenders wanted my endorsement. My sermons on canine rights, my strict fatwas and my connections to alleged terrierist groups have been deemed too radical, too far out of touch with mainstream American values. Fair enough. I figure that if I wait a week or so, at least one candidate's desperation will lead her to come crawling back to me.


Nevis said...

I believe Tuffy is running for president...

Nevis said...

ha ha ha! Love the Mugsy birthday shot.

Anonymous said...

Well, you know....."she" once owned a cat. As for the rest of them, I cannot even begin to guess why they didn't jump on the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

They have shown that they are not wise. This is scary for the future of our country! We better start praying now.

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

I must look into Tuffy's platform, Nevis.

Even Libertarian candidate Bob Barr turned me down, Sarah S. And he's best known for eating cheese in Borat.

Well said, Anonymous One.