Saturday, July 15, 2006

Food for thought

The young campers and I have been working on logic and critical thinking skills this morning. I began by placing biscuits in Kong Balls and giving them to the hungry youths. The two puppy campers displayed greater problem-solving skills than the human children in this test, cementing their spot at the head of the class. Now, the children are trying to determine what is wrong with the normally lovely Keira Knightley on this magazine cover that has been haunting me lately at store checkout aisles.


Leslee said...

You mean other then she's blonde?

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Oh, no, Leslee. Something has gone terribly awry. My mother thinks it is something about the eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Great One. They eyebrows have an aura of asymmetry about them, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Not only the eyebrow but the eye also is not symmetrical to the other eye and eyebrow.

PetraZ said...

Fearful asymmetry!