Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well done, Porterhouse

The ministry would like to congratulate Porterhouse, who was recently crowned the winner of Drake University's annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest in Des Moines, Iowa. Porterhouse, 4, beat out 49 other contestants to claim the pageant prize. After finishing second in the contest in 2006 and 2007, Porterhouse finally broke through with a victory, wearing camouflage and an army helmet for the occasion. 

The bulldog's triumph was not without controversy, as judge Perez Hilton blasted Porterhouse's controversial stance on interspecies marriage. 


Anonymous said...

Ayatollah, I am curious, What is your stance on gay K9 union ? Z

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

As an ayatollah who performs wedding ceremonies (for a small fee), I do not want to rule out any potential customers.

Sandy said...

Ayatollah--you are a pug of great wisdom. As an Iowan I plan on passing your wisdom on to the appropriate parties.

Joe Shippert said...

Although I understand that the ministry welcomes all breeds and species, I must confess a fondness and preference for brachycephalic or "short-headed" breeds, such as the Bulldog, Boston Terrier and the highest of all, the Pug. So, despite the lack of Porterhouse's Pugnaciousness I can say that he is one fine lookin' bulldog!

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Iowans will surely thank you, Sandy.

I, too, have a fondness for bulldogs, Joe.